非正規ポケモンサーチツールの PokeAlertにメタモン発見モードが追加される!?しかしこのアプリ、ポケモンGOアカウントと紐付けがあるBAN対象アプリとも言われているぞ…
PokeAlert 4.0.5-2- First test that includes the common spawn database with PokeMesh. For now we are just testing the load and see if the server needs to be scaled
– Fixes several memory leaks found during login phases! (This will be VERY helpful when 0.47 is cracked and that we can use 100acs again)
– Fix some crash found in the logs for people running zh_TW local (was crashing when in the Settings screen)
PokeAlert 4.0.5-3- Add a distance base filter. For now it is just an extra setting in the Advanced Filter screen
“Only apply this filter when distance less than xxxx meter”
– Fix a crash when editing the scan area
– add French translation thanks to @redking974
– add Polish translation thanks to @arhi3a
– add Portuges brazilian translation thanks to @Salvatori
I still need to refactor the way I update the user location especially during quick scan (because to save battery I’m not periodically asking the position for quick scan) and for background I do ask periodically but the userLocation at the moment the notification is triggered can be the wrong one (it could be position from when the scan ha started)
PokeAlert 4.0.5-4- Ditto finder mode option (activate it in the settings)
I’m not catching everysingle pokemon blindly but only catch Pidgey, Rattata, Magikarp and Zubat. I can remotely (without new update) modify this list if someone confirms me ditto can be in an other poke as well
filler では全てmap表示されるようにしてるんだが、、
Ditto modeと一応Real playerをONにした